Monday, April 28, 2008

"Minding" Our Youth through a Children's State

This article is the last of three in a series which compares the legal and cultural changes being made by today’s global government to those made by Hitler’s Third Reich. Part I, Ghost of Nazi Past, Ghost of Nazi Present focused on cultural, media, parliamentary, and judicial manipulations. Part II, Mobilising People and Actions for War focused on science, religion, religious education and spiritual mobilization. This last section is about the shaping (or reshaping) of young minds or, as the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality refers to it, activating the “science of minding”. Again I draw comparisons to the Third Reich from Richard Evans’ book The Third Reich in Power with my citations indicated by bold type.

During the second world war the Nazis had successfully undermined the role of family through an organization called the Hitler Youth. “These days parents have nothing more than the duty to feed and clothe their children; educating them is in the first place the task of the Hitler Youth’” complained one parent. And another, “‘the worst is…that you’ve got to watch yourself in front of your own children.’” (Pg. 279) These words ought to serve as a warning against any cultural move in which the state or otherwise attempts to gain control over the lives of young people. I wrote of such conditioning in an earlier post called the
Formation of an Alliance Youth. As presented by the OSCE Contribution to the Alliance of Civilizations, the objective is “sustaining youth as a fundamental element in promoting comprehensive security…[through] greater activation and engagement through advocacy and exercise of political rights and the creation of youth councils.” This reinforces the Alliance of Civilizations’ Final Report that, “it is extremely important to recognize youth not only as a source of mobilization, but as autonomous actors and partners.” There is no doubt that the intent is to connect children into an ideology sympathetic to the building of their new civilization, a civilization which has already identified religious freedom and political dissent as the “enemies of the civilization”.

One possible model which may be used to advance these objectives is Children’s State and Children’s United Parliament of the World (CUPW). Children’s State is a global internet state having a parliamentary assembly which convenes annually. According to the organization’s Strong Announcement, it “gives a new identity, dual nationality and international identity number for the children and young people of the world…[and] has a central role taking the lead of mankind in the new generation.” Among the supporters of Children’s State are organizations such as UNICEF, Save the Children, SOS Children's Village, Plan International and, of particular interest, the European Union:

Most interesting is Javier Solana’s support of the Children’s United Parliament of the World and the CUPW’s demands that nations demilitarize and allocate those resources to civilian-crisis management programs—a militarized security model formulated by Solana. These two initiatives appear to be mutually reinforcing. As I look at the above picture the thing that most saddens me is the young girl. She is obvously a young lady who makes her parents proud. I believe that she is participating in what her convictions tell her is a good cause. My hope for her is that one day she is able to objectively evaluate the entire underlying political agenda behind Children’s State. As one reads through the Children’s State web site, a picture emerges that portrays a cross between Jonestown and the Hitler Youth.

Overall Vision
According to the Children’s State vision statement, “The Children's United Parliament of the World is an international umbrella organisation for local and national children's parliaments…Organisation has been established to promote children's active citizenship, and their social and international partnership. In 2001 the General Assembly of the children’s parliament established an internet state, the Universal Childrensstate, that has today its own constitution, hymn and flag.”

“We educate children to become globally and locally responsible active citizens who wish for world peace. At the moment adults and decision-makers do not listen to children’s wishes enough, and thus children’s parliament provides a legal ground for children to act in their own societies as well as internationally….“Children do not need to be taught what to think, but rather how to think and act both critically and constructively.”

If only promotion of world peace and responsible citizenship were the actual goals rather than euphemisms for ideological instruction! Already we see groundwork which will require parents to relinquish control in educating their children. Interesting to note is that the Hitler Youth also had their own hymns.

Principles & Declaration of Independence
Children’s State has a Declaration of Independence which says that “Citizens of CHILDRENSSTATE are all the children of the earth under the age 18.” Children’s State’s principles require that:

  • The Children shall have the right to free decision making and opinion.
  • The Children shall be equal to adults.
  • The Children shall have the right to vote.
  • The Children shall have their own ID code.
  • The interests of Children shall be equally considered.
  • The Children shall have the right to their own values.
  • The Children shall have the opportunity to free communication.
  • The Children shall have the right to grow completely as per their own personality.

There ideology is a totalitarian regime’s dream come true. Clearly this is intended to undermine the family structure. One begins to get a sense that if parents were to resist co-operating with Children’s State, penalties similar to those carried out by the Nazis might be reintroduced:

“After 25 March 1939, membership was legally binding from the age of ten, and parents could be fined if they failed to enroll their children, or even imprisoned if they actively tried to stop them joining.” Pg 272

“Idealism undoubtedly played a role in committing many young people to the cause in defiance of their parents’ wishes.” Pg 274

“One Hitler Youth leader himself admitted, ‘the leadership encourages amongst many boys a kind of megalomania that refuses to recognize any other authority.’” Pg 281

Power Structure
Although children are told that they execute the highest authority of the Children’s United Parliament of the World, this is questionable. Similar to the European Union’s governance structure where the Council presents the parliament with legislation for its rubber stamp, it is the Council of the Future and Secretary General who submit legislation to the CUPW assembly. One astute 16 year old correspondent who attended a Children’s State function reported:

“Whilst the adults were not emitted inside the room, their thoughts and opinions were heard from the teenagers’ comments. It was easy to notice that the groups had practised their speeches quite well in advance. So it is questionable, how much of what was spoken really came from the children.”

Schirach proclaimed that ‘the principle of self-leadership’ would apply as it had in the old youth movement, but in practice the organization was effectively run by grown-ups.” Pg. 276

“…it was emphatically a top-down organization, run not by young people themselves, as the old youth movement had been, but according to the leadership principle, by the Reich Youth Leadership under Schirach…All those who joined had to swear a personal oath of allegiance to Hitler. Their training was compulsory and legally binding.” Pgs. 273-274

Parental Rights
Apparent in Article 8 of the Children’s State Constitution, the primary role of parents is to supply their children with basic human development needs. The state will be in the position to determine whether the parent is suitable to meet the educational and emotional needs of the child.

“The child shall enjoy the benefits of social security. He shall be entitled to grow and develop in health; to this end, special care and protection shall be provided both to him and to his mother, including adequate pre-natal and post-natal care. The child shall have the right to adequate nutrition, housing, recreation and medical services… The child shall, wherever possible, grow up in the care and under the responsibility of his parents…”

“Nowadays, childless couples are often congratulated by parents on their childlessness. These days parents have nothing more than the duty to feed and clothe their children; educating them is in the first place the task of the Hitler Youth.” Pg. 279

Children’s state has its own bank, the State Bank for the Universal Childrensstate, and currency, the Kyper, which is valued at a ratio of 1:1 Euro.

Children’s State Capital
Children’s State is to have KyperLedCity, Tunisia as its capital. Plans for construction of the capital city have been submitted to the government of Tunisia.

According to Children’s State Strong Announcement “After filling out the application of citizenship, under 18-year old person gets immediately dual citizenship, international ID number and a right to process the passport for one self. The passport is valid until the age of 26-years, and it entitles the person to act in CHILDRENSSTATE.”

If a parent wishes to visit their child in Children’s State they must get approval as such: “Adults need to apply for the visa from CHILDRENSSTATE's commission, to be able even to visit at children and young people of the world state.”

“The Order Castles (Ordensburgen) were the next stage in the system of Party-based education dreamed up by Schirach and Ley. They were intended exclusively to teach graduates of the Adolf Hitler Schools…the Order Castles in turn functioned as training centres for numerous Nazi Party officials on short courses.” Pg. 286

Disciplinary Action
Children’s State has developed measures known as the Internet Prison and Black List intended for discipline whenever necessary.

“Children's United Parliament of the World and the Commission have authority, in the name of the children of the world, to punish the people who destroy the future of the children of the world by putting them to the Universal Childrensstate prison.”

Children are prohibited from interfering in any areas where disciplinary action is being taken by the Children’s State.

Article II, paragraph 7 of the Charter: “All Members shall give the every assistance to the Children’s United Parliament of the World in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any instance against which the CUPW is taking preventive or enforcement action.”

Article 25 of the CUPW Charter: “The Children’s United Parliament of the World may also recognise those individuals, institutions and companies that operate against to the moral principles of the Charter, and place them on a Black List. The CUPW recommends children not associate themselves with those on the Black List.”

Children’s State is only one of many initiatives aimed at conditioning youth to adopt a global governance mindset. I have critiqued Children’s State because of its apparent relationship with the European Union. I would further like to add that I believe there are individuals involved with Children’s State who have not fully examined its underlying politics. I would encourage those people to honestly examine the evidence and determine whether the entire global governance agenda—along its various components designed to control society at every level—is something worthy of your participation and support.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Did Hitler Act Upon Catholic Convictions?

Each week Medford’s local newspaper publishes letters in which people voice their opinions. Over the past few years I have watched carefully as there are those who frequently launch attacks against Christians making assertions that are not true. One writer has published multiple opinions in which she attempts to equate Hitler’s actions with Christianity and, in particular, place blame on the Catholics. Clearly Hitler was not acting upon Catholic doctrine. For this I found it necessary to respond. Again, the critic launched another attack maintaining that Hitler belongs to the Christian world. Since this subject matter is so closely related to my previous blog post, I have decided to republish it here. First, I will publish an excerpt of the critic’s letter and follow with my response which address these allegations.

Writer responds to writer’s Vox Pop challenge
“…Oh, and to set the record straight: “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so.” (Hitler to General Gerhard Engel in 1941)

Hitler was a baptized Roman Catholic who was never excommunicated by the church.“I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator by fighting the Jews, I am doing the Lord’s work.” (Mein Kampf)

And he hated the Atheists: “We were convinced that the people need and require faith, We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations We have stamped it out.” (Hitler, 1933)

If I have to get my facts right then so do you…”
Linda O_________

Nazism was viewed as heretical by the Catholic church
Last week Linda O________ continued her argument that Adolf Hitler was a Christian and that he acted upon his Catholic convictions. Any serious researcher of the Third Reich would dismiss this as irrational so let’s relegate him back to where he belongs. First, an elementary review of the Nazi belief system: Nazi’s believed themselves to be an advanced race—the Aryans; Nazis believed the Aryans originated from the lost continent of Atlantis; the Nazis looked upon Hitler as their messiah; the Nazis promised a vision of transcendence where the collective would become divine and usher in a 1000 year Reich. One need not be Catholic to comprehend the church considers this heretical. Pope Pius X confronted these very doctrines in his September 8, 1907 Pascendi Domminci Gregis, Encyclical on the Doctrines of the Modernists.

Pope Pius XI’s encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge, is a strong denunciation of the Nazi regime and doctrine. The encyclical was read to every Catholic congregation in 1937 during a period of intense persecution. Reinhard Heydrih had already classified the Jews and the Catholic Church as the two principal enemies of Nazism. Pope Pius XI writes “at a time when your faith, like gold, is being tested in the fire of tribulation and persecution, when your religious freedom is beset on all sides.” Preceding the encyclical in 1933 the Nazis seized the property of the Catholic lay organizations banning their activities and forcing their closure. In 1935 Hermann Goring declared Catholicism incompatible with the spirit of the age. In 1937 crucifixes were ordered removed from state AND parish buildings. Afterward in 1939 all religious instruction was replaced with Nazi ideological instruction.

The encyclical did not go unnoticed by the regime as it directly attacked the Nazi belief system: “None but superficial minds could stumble into concepts of a national God, of a national religion; or attempt to lock within the frontiers of a single people, within the narrow limits of a single race…” The contention that the Church had never excommunicated Hitler is irrelevant because he had already been done under Catholic canon law latae sententiae. The German bishops had also excommunicated all Nazi party officials which would have included Hitler.

The doctrine that the Nazis attempted to implement will be found in the writings of Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society. Former Theosophical president Annie Besant summarizes the root race doctrine in The Coming Race which is available online at New Age Almanac presents Blavatsky’s and Alice Bailey’s doctrine as foundational of the modern New Age Movement. The doctrine may be found among the World Commission on Global Consciousness & Spirituality and Alliance of Civilizations personalities. They openly believe they are doing the Lord’s or Christ’s work. Their definition of the Lord is Sanat Kamura, Lord of the World and head of a spiritual hierarchy, and Christ as a spiritual consciousness that overshadows an “enlightened” individual.

Per Theosophist Foster Bailey in Running God’s Plan (1972), they had attempted to usher in a new age before but failed. Accordingly: “One attempt was to begin by uniting the peoples living in the Rhine river valley using that river as a binding factor. It was an attempt by a disciple but did not work. Now another attempt is in full swing...” With the Alliance of Civilizations now responsible for implementing a global consciousness and presiding over the UN-led global counter-terrorism strategy and compounded with its introduction of the new global Shared Security model, it appears they are once again ready “activate” the evolutionary process of the Aryan race. (
Rich Peterson, Medford)